Soccer fans now have a must eat while in Brazil. The “World Cup Dogs” are the creation of WDOC—a local hotdog joint in Sao Paulo that is making news with dogs themed after the nations of soccer teams with their flag colors in the bread mixed with local flavors.
American WDOG is filled with mustard mayo, sausage, cole slaw, cheddar and barbecue sauce.
Mexican WDOG is stuffed with Doritos, guacamole, chilli spicy, \’dedo de moça\’ and pepper.
Brasil WDOG sausage, feijoada (delicious beans & meat with a yummy sauce), banana flour mixed, bacon, cabbage and feijoada sauce.
Japanese WDOG a hot sushi roll, sukiyaki, tare sauce, and sesame.
German WDGO green mayo, German sauce, pickles, mashed potatoes, chucrutes, caramelized onion, and dark mustard.
Av José Pinheiro Borges, s/n Itaquera – São Paulo – SP – CEP 08220-900